Liczba ocen: 6




Technika: obraz olejny
Temat: abstrakcja, motywy figuratywne, motywy roślinne, Inny, konkretne przedmioty
Wymiary: 50cm x 60cm x 2cm
Rok pochodzenia: 2022
Nr art.: CZ2303 0000 00002705
Osadzony: 08.03.2023 09:05:48
Opis pracy:

What does the fragile flower of the Rosehip dream of?

Only the wind can pull the delicate pink petals from the web of twigs and needle-sharp thorns. It lifts up above the clouds and whirls in the same passionate dance, giving the freedom of flight. And then there are no more thorns or branches...

The idea for the painting emerged literally out of thin air when a small breeze tore and twirled an entire cloud of rose petals.
